Why Is It Necessary For Organizations To Work On Innovative Cyber Security Ideas?

3 min readMar 31, 2022


Today, managed services providers (MSP) face challenges from cyber threat actors around-the-clock. It is because these actors are on a mission to infiltrate the data that MSP clients rely on for their survival. More often than not, clients are unaware of the risks that exist and opine their MSP provides cyber security as part of their service. While clients may assume that MSPs own the threat, there is an obligation to converse risk ownership with clients and prospects.

In order to address their concerns, organizations need to deploy Innovative Cyber Security frameworks along with educate the employees about the same. The frameworks should also involve aligning policies, procedures, tools, pricing models, support mechanisms, and incident response systems. Establishing and using a resilient framework can address their tasks and consider planning, education, and road-maps for service providers.

What Is A Cyber Security Innovation Framework?

A Cyber Security Innovation framework allows standardization of service delivery that enhances efficiency and margin. Numerous organizations deploy frameworks to establish standard communication channels to communicate with their clients. For example, frameworks allow organizations to align conversations with customers on what they feel “safe” to look like.

Why Is It Necessary For Organizations To Work With Innovative Cyber Security Ideas?

When it comes to cyber security, a framework caters for a system of standards, guidelines, and best practices to manage risks that arise in digital systems. By working on Innovative Cyber Security Ideas, organizations can work with a flexible, repeatable, and cost-effective approach to promote the safety and resiliency of business systems.

It is necessary to realize that cyber security assists the growth of all business units. Industries can categorize controls through a robust cyber security framework like local, offline, and cloud backups. These will improve resiliency from cyber attacks and other such acts, which can cause severe consequences in the long run.
How To Identify A Good Framework?

In order to identify a good framework, organizations need to determine their organizational requirements and must be aware of the trends in the market. While frameworks do not work on a one-size-fits-all approach. Hence, it will be good to go with cross-referencing frameworks. Some frameworks of this segment working with Innovative Cyber Security technologies involve the following:

  • The NIST Cyber Security Framework (CSF).
  • Center For Internet Security (CIS).
  • ISO/IEC 27001.
  • MSP + Cyber Security Framework (CSF).


A single framework cannot fulfil the aspirations of organizations- as each has its pros and cons. This is why organizations must check those that would best fit their requirements and structure their offerings. Organizations should also acknowledge that this process cannot be done in a single day. So, they must standardize whichever framework they work with will be best for their business and their communication channel with clients.

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