How Does Diabetes Affect Your Kidneys?

3 min readMar 1, 2022


Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the overall health of a person. A person suffering with diabetes face many bodily complexions. Among many, the effect of diabetes on kidney is comparatively drastic. Have you ever wondered that How Does Diabetes Affect Your Kidneys?

Diabetic nephropathy is a serious entanglement of type-1 and type-2 diabetes. It is also known as diabetic kidney disease. It primarily affects the kidney’s ability to remove waste products and excessive fluid from your body. The best way to avoid diabetic nephropathy is by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a sound management of diabetes and high blood pressure.

A person who has diabetes may face slow destruction of his kidney’s delicate filtering system. Prior treatment may prevent or slow disease progression and minimize the later complications.

Kidney disease normally leads to kidney failure. That is why these are also termed end-stage kidney diseases. The failure of the kidney is a life-threatening condition. At this stage, the only option left with a person is to proceed with dialysis or a kidney transplant.

Kidney Damage Symptoms

A person suffering from kidney disease show the following Kidney Damage Symptoms:

  • Poor regulation of blood flow.
  • Addition of protein in a person’s urine.
  • Swelling in ankles, feet, eyes, or hands.
  • Enhanced need to urinate.
  • Diminished requirement for insulin or diabetes medicine.
  • Instability in mental health.
  • Poor breath control.
  • Appetite loss.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Continue itching.
  • High stress and fatigue.

Risk Factors

If you are a patient of diabetes, elements that can enhance your risk of Diabetes Back Pain Kidney failure includes:

  • Increased level of blood sugar (hyperglycemia).
  • Consistency in high blood pressure (Hypertension).
  • Regular smoking.
  • High level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Obesity.
  • Heredity issues.


To minimize the chances of diabetic nephropathy, here are some prevention tips:

1. Maintain Regular Appointments For Diabetes Management: To prevent the chances of kidney failure, a person can seek appointments with a healthcare specialist. This helps a person in monitoring and managing the wellness of his diabetes. It also helps in screening for diabetic nephropathy and other complications.

2. Treat Diabetes: With effective treatment of diabetes, a person may prevent or delay diabetic nephropathy.

3. Maintain A Moderate Blood Flow Or Other Medical Conditions: A person having high blood pressure or similar conditions should consult with a specialist. This helps him to avoid later complexions in his health conditions.

4. Follow Prescription While Taking Medicines: It is good for people to follow the instructions prescribed by the healthcare specialists while proceeding with any medications. It is because the overdose of medications like aspirin non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs severely impacts the kidney’s health.

5. Weight Management: People who maintain their body mass index significantly reduce the chances of diabetes and other kidney health complexions. For this, they can follow a healthy diet and exercise routine. In contrast, a person following an unhealthy diet routine and avoiding physical workouts normally faces severe diseases.

6. Avoid Smoking: Cigarette smoking damages a person’s lungs and impacts the functioning of a person’s kidneys. To keep your kidney’s health in a good condition, it is good to ask therapists about the possible ways to quit smoking.

These are some ways through which a person can minimize the risk of Diabetes Back Pain Kidney failure.




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